Guarantors Corner

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If the borrower defaults in payment to the lender the guarantor is liable to make well that default, which could include arrears of principal amount borrowed. It means that you are prepared to pay for someone else’s debts if they do not pay. If necessary, the lender will not even bother bringing action against the borrower, but will sue you for the guarantee you made. After 5 days that the borrower/lendee failure to pay her debt guarantor must pay the said loan amount. So be very clear on your obligations as a guarantor before you agreed in everything…
(Failure Response to this Obligation Agreement is subject for Scammer Record Report to CyberCrimePh Website)

Please Be Inform:new
Guarantor is required to put a comment in this corner to acknowledgement the loan of the

If you are the Guarantor please confirm by putting a confirmation message below.Thank You.

Guarantor:Put confirmation message below that you accept the liabilities

(EXAMPLE BELOW:)please do not erase  the comment once you already post it.

Welmar Villanueva Chavez · 
(EXAMPLE:)I'm Welmar Chavez accept the liabilities as a guarantor of Kiarra Chavez amounting of 5000php.7/14/2012. Thanks you
Please do not erase  the comment once you already post it.
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